Salt cracker composition. DIY TUC crackers recipe

Any housewife often thinks about what to bake quickly and tasty to organize a family tea party. A recipe for delicious, crispy crackers will come to the rescue. For the basic recipe you will need a minimum of ingredients: 50 g. vegetable oil, 100 gr. any liquid and 200 gr. flour.

Using the above proportions, you can bake many different options. Any vegetable oil can be used (peanut, sesame, olive, etc.). Wheat flour can be partially replaced with sesame seeds, nuts, rye flour, grated Parmesan, etc. Use plain water or milk as the liquid. For some piquancy, you can replace some of the liquid with a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce.

Ingredients for crackers

  • Wheat flour – 200 g
  • Table salt – 1/3 tsp.
  • Water (or other liquid) – 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil – 50 g

Homemade crackers - recipe

To bake Lenten cookies quickly, sift the flour into a bowl, add sunflower or other oil. Thoroughly grind the flour and butter until crumbs form. Add liquid little by little and knead into a soft, non-sticky dough.

Cut two identical pieces of parchment and place the dough between them. Roll out with a rolling pin until a thin layer forms. Chill the dough in the refrigerator directly with the paper for half an hour. Or keep in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, remove the top sheet of baking paper, and cut the layer into shapes. The shape can be any: simple squares or rectangles, rhombuses, triangles, stars, hearts and so on. Prick the crackers frequently to prevent them from puffing up during baking. Directly on the bottom sheet of parchment, drag the blanks onto a baking sheet. Oven at 180-200 gr. for 10-15 minutes until the cookies are golden.

You can make many other types of crackers using this basic recipe. For example, use olive or sesame oil instead of sunflower oil. Sprinkle crackers ready for baking with grated Parmesan, sweet paprika, and coarse sea salt. It will be an excellent snack option for beer. Or you can serve these cookies with or. You can also replace 50 gr. flour with sesame or flaxseeds and add 1 tsp to the recipe. chopped rosemary. You can also bake delicious crackers with sweet soy sauce, poppy seeds and whole grain flour.

Baking crackers with additives should be given more attention, because... cookies made from rye flour, for example, are initially dark and it is visually difficult to determine the degree of readiness by color. I advise you to make homemade crackers several times, the recipe for which is basic, in order to determine the optimal temperature and cooking time for such baked goods in your oven. And only then start experimenting.

Homemade crackers are successfully used to make delicious and beautiful snacks. For example, put a small cutlet or a piece of ham on a cracker, season with pesto sauce, place a basil leaf, a small tomato and decorate the appetizer with a sail of thin cucumber slice. Secure the structure with a skewer. These “boats” can be made lean by replacing the meat cutlet with soy or chickpeas.

And to prepare pesto sauce, you need to beat 50 g of peeled almonds, a bunch of fresh basil, a garlic clove, and 70 ml of olive oil in a blender until mushy. Season the finished sauce with salt and pepper to taste.

So, any housewife can bake any of the cracker options quickly and tasty using this recipe. Bon appetit!

I also advise you to pay attention to a completely universal recipe, which is prepared very simply and quickly. This shortbread pie can be made with any berries - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and it is always delicious! And those who love original portioned serving of desserts will like it. It is perfect for a holiday or an outdoor picnic if served in beautiful disposable cups.

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Crackers - dry and crispy cookies with holes - appeared as a result of a mistake by an English confectioner who overcooked biscuits in the oven. Slightly burnt cookies broke with a loud crack, so they were called crackers from the word crack, which translates as “crack.” This happened at the end of the 19th century, and a new type of confectionery surprisingly took root in European cuisine. Soon, crackers became part of the army ration - they were stored for a long time, perfectly satisfied hunger, took up little space and were very light in weight.

What's good about crackers?

Experimenting with crackers is a real pleasure, the main thing is to understand the basic technology of their preparation. Delicious cookies can be taken with you on trips - they help pass the time on the road, calm children and make life more enjoyable. And with original cookie cutters from the company, making crackers is even easier and tastier! Treat your guests to unusual crackers, and they will definitely ask for more! It’s probably no coincidence that a couple of centuries ago an English pastry chef overcooked biscuits in the oven. What would we do without crackers? By the way, store them in a tightly closed glass jar - this way they will remain fresh for a long time to the delight of home gourmets!

The cracker came to the world from Britain. It got its English name “crack” due to its original crispy texture. Initially, these cookies were used instead of biscuits - they were more tender and high in calories, which made them indispensable during long hikes.

Preparing crackers: necessary ingredients

There are many varieties of crackers, but the general rule is always followed: all the ingredients are mixed and the dough is kneaded in five minutes. Any longer and the cookies will be tough. Nowadays all sorts of spices are added to crackers: thyme, pepper, rosemary, onion, cheese. Even sweet fillings are possible: raisins, nuts, banana, dried apricots. The recipe below will tell you how to make traditional salted crisps.

For this you will need:

  • wheat flour – 250 g;
  • butter – half a pack (100 g);
  • granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • fine salt – 2 tsp;
  • cream (fat content 10-15%) – 7 tsp;
  • vegetable oil (for greasing the baking sheet).

Saltine crackers: classic recipe

Step-by-step preparation of crackers:

  1. You should put the butter in the freezer for 2-3 hours in advance. Immediately before cooking, remove the frozen butter and place it on a wide cutting board. Using a knife, chop it into small pieces.
  2. Without waiting for the first component to soften, sift the flour through a sieve into a deep bowl.
  3. Make a hole with your hands and place the chopped butter there. Grind well with a tablespoon, or better yet, with a fork until a greasy mass forms.
  4. Add salt, sugar to the mixture, pour in cream or sour cream 15% fat. Knead the dough very quickly, cover the container with a towel or cling film, and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  5. Prepare the kitchen table: wipe, sprinkle with flour. After 60 minutes, take out the dough and roll it out on the table into a thin layer up to 0.5 centimeters thick. Using special shaped baking molds or a regular glass, squeeze out small pieces of cookies.
  6. Wipe the baking sheet generously with vegetable oil; you can first line it with baking paper. Place the crackers close to each other, because they will increase slightly in volume.
  7. Set the oven temperature to 150°C and bake for 20 minutes. The most tender crackers are ready when their surface turns golden brown.
  8. Carefully remove the baking sheet using oven mitts and leave on the stove to cool for 5-10 minutes. Salty crunches go well with soft cheese, red fish, and olives. Perfect as a complement to your morning hot coffee.

Crackers with sesame and flax

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - one and a half glasses;
  • vegetable oil – 1/2 cup;
  • sesame – 125 g;
  • flax seeds – 125 g;
  • rosemary 1 tsp.
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • warm water.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. In a large container, mix flour, spices, and seeds.
  2. Pour in vegetable oil, grind the mass thoroughly.
  3. Gradually adding warm water, knead into a smooth elastic dough. Roll out a thin layer.
  4. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment, grease with vegetable oil, and carefully place the dough on it; Using a thin knife, cut into 5x5 cm squares.
  5. Bake at temperatures up to 200 degrees for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the workpieces.

Chef secrets

  1. To make the cookies crispy, quickly knead the flour mixture and immediately put it in the refrigerator.
  2. The crackers will have nice wavy edges if you cut the dough sheet with a special pastry cutter with a wavy blade.
  3. To prevent the baked goods from swelling when heated, prick the dough in several places with a fork.


How to cook:

To prepare these beloved crackers we will need: one fourth of a glass of milk, one glass of flour, fifty grams of butter, one egg and salt.

We take a small container into which we will place the products we need. Put fifty grams of butter there. Next, use a tablespoon to knead our butter into small pieces. Pour a glass of flour on top and mix this mixture well. Add our milk to the resulting mass. Stir a little and add a little salt to taste.

Next you need to knead the dough. The dough should be a little thick, so you need to knead it well and actively with your hands to make it more elastic. After all the work done, you get a small lump of dough.

From this lump of dough, tear off a small lump and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about one and a half, two millimeters. Next, take something that can be used to cut the pancake from the dough. For example, you can take a knife. Cut it into strips about four centimeters thick.

Now we cut each strip about six centimeters long. After this, cut off a small part of the corner from each piece. It turns out that our cracker has eight corners.

Take a toothpick and cut off the tip with scissors. Now we write the word TUC on our cracker (we imitate store-bought crackers).

We also make holes all over the cracker. This is done so that our cracker does not swell during baking.

Take a baking sheet and line it with special baking parchment.

Now we place our cracker preparations on a baking sheet.

First, let's preheat the oven to about two hundred degrees. Next, take an empty cup and break one egg into it. Take a whisk and mix the white with the yolk.

Let's take a special brush for greasing (if you don't have one, you can replace it with gauze and grease the crackers with it) and grease our crackers with it.