Black currants for the winter without cooking - simple recipes (with sugar, jam, jelly). Black currants, pureed with sugar Currants twisted with sugar for the winter

At the end of the first month of summer, currants take over the baton from cherries and garden strawberries. Black, red, white, it pleases children and adults with a generous harvest. Excellent supplies for the winter are obtained from it: juices, compotes, jellies, jams, five-minute drinks, even wine and liqueurs. The most useful currant preparations are those that do not require cooking.

Blackcurrant recipes for the winter without cooking

In order to please your family with summer flavors and aromas in the middle of winter, to saturate them with vitamins to resist colds, take care of your currant reserves. This berry is dried, frozen, pureed with and without added sugar, and juices are made. You can freeze not only whole currants, but also those chopped in a blender. This preparation is a source of vitamins for winter cocktails and desserts. It is better to dry black currants in clusters without removing the berries from the stalks. There is no need to wash the berries before drying.

Everyone's favorite traditional raw jam preserves beneficial microelements, vitamins and the excellent taste of ripe berries. It can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature, depending on the amount of sugar in the recipe. Red and white currants can also be preserved in sugar without heat treatment. To improve the taste, you can add crushed or pureed orange or lemon to this jam. An easy-to-make recipe for black currants, pureed with sugar, makes the delicacy popular.

Black currants, pureed with sugar for the winter in a ratio of 1:2

Many generations of housewives tried to annually stock up on the healing “currant vitamin” for the winter. This dish was not only an exquisite dessert, it was famous for its medicinal and preventive properties. In the difficult post-war years, the lucky ones who managed to acquire a jar of “currant vitamin” saved it for children and the sick, measuring out the precious product with a teaspoon. Properly prepared currant jam without cooking can be stored on a shelf or in a cupboard until the new harvest.

What do you need to prepare to make classic raw currant jam? You will need:

  • Kitchen Scales;
  • container made of stainless steel or enameled;
  • large spoon, wooden spatula;
  • sterile jars and lids for them.

To prepare three kilograms of delicious jam that does not require cooking, take 1 kg of ripe blackcurrants and 2 kg of granulated sugar. Berry puree will be stored for a long time if you follow simple technology:

  1. Rinse the currants under running water.
  2. Spread them in a thin layer on a paper towel and let them drain and dry.
  3. Grind the berries into a puree. Use a blender or meat grinder for this.
  4. In a deep container (saucepan, bowl), layer portions of puree and granulated sugar.
  5. Leave the closed container for several hours: the sugar needs to dissolve.
  6. Stir the jam occasionally with a clean spoon or spatula.
  7. When the sugar crystals dissolve completely, the “vitamin” can be considered ready.
  8. Place the product in sterile jars and seal with lids.

This recipe has one major drawback: it is too sweet. The beneficial properties of currants do not cancel the negative effects of excess sugar on human health. If you limit carbohydrates in your diet, you are unlikely to like the 1:2 ratio of berries to granulated sugar. To make the jam less cloying and high in calories, you can reduce the amount of sweet carbohydrates by half.

Vitamin jam without cooking

It is as easy to prepare such a preparation as described above. For every kilogram of currants, take one kilogram of sugar. The berries must be crushed thoroughly, combined with sugar gradually, and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved. This method has its drawback: such jam is preserved worse. Even in sterile jars it will not last long at room temperature. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator or a safe, cool cellar (basement).

Red currants, pureed with seedless sugar

An incredibly tasty delicacy can be made from red currants without cooking. If you picked the berries from your own bush in good weather, you don’t have to rinse them. Crops harvested after rain, especially those purchased at the market, should be washed under running water and dried thoroughly on a paper towel. To get delicious cold seedless jam, do this:

  1. Sort through the berries, removing stems, leaves and other debris.
  2. Place them in a blender jar. Grind thoroughly.
  3. Try to thoroughly rub the resulting mass through a fine sieve.
  4. Add sugar. For every glass of berry puree you need to take one and a half glasses of sugar.
  5. Stir the berry-sugar mixture and leave for 2-3 hours. Stir occasionally.
  6. While the sugar is dissolving, set the jars to sterilize. This can be done in the oven or over steam.
  7. Place the finished berry puree in sterilized dry jars and close with airtight lids.
  8. To ensure safety, place the jars of jam in a cool cellar.

White currant jam with sugar without cooking

Cold white currant jam has a wonderful taste. It can be prepared in the same way as from red berries. If you are not bothered by the small currant seeds in the finished product, make your work easier, do not wipe the mixture crushed with a blender. This jam will be much more useful. If you add crushed orange or lemon to the two main ingredients (berries and granulated sugar), you will get an uncooked vitamin product with an original taste. Try it! This jam without cooking can become your favorite summer preparation.

Assorted jam recipe

Summer is a time for experimentation. If you want to please your family with something tasty, bright, and unusual, try making assorted currants without cooking. To do this, take black, red, and white currants in equal parts. If you have raspberries that will ripen at the same time as currants, it is appropriate to add them too. It is better to make puree from each berry separately, then mix. Add sugar to the crushed and pureed berry mass. The volume ratio is 1:1.5 (1.5 cups of granulated sugar per cup of puree). To store jam you need sterile jars in a cool place.


Currants with sugar, prepared in any way, will become an indispensable assistant in preparing sweet dishes in the off-season. Harvested berries are used to fill baked goods or decorate desserts. You can just make jam, but it’s much more interesting to make pureed berries or jelly, freeze currants or make juice.

How to cook currants with sugar?

Fresh currants with sugar will be the ideal basis for many preservation options. In order for the preparations to be stored all winter, you need to follow certain rules, verified over the years by experienced housewives.

  1. Long-term storage of currants with sugar in the raw form provides a large amount of sweetener. To prevent the product from spoiling or fermenting, the sugar content must be at least 60%.
  2. Before cooking, the berries are washed, sorted and the stems are removed; this is the most labor-intensive moment in the preparation. Use small scissors to cut, this will make the process much easier.
  3. Jam is made from whole berries, twisted or kneaded a little so that the preparation is more homogeneous.
  4. An ideal option for winter storage is currants rolled with sugar in the freezer. For convenience, the puree is cooled in small portions and then transferred into one container or sealed ziplock bag.

Black currants ground with sugar for the winter are a delicious sweet treat that is very easy to prepare. One difficulty in creating preservation will be preparing the puree, or rather grinding it through a sieve. The result will be a tasty, homogeneous delicacy that will thicken and become slightly jelly-like during storage.


  • currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, dry them, beat them with a blender, and rub them through a sieve.
  2. Add sugar to the puree, stir, put on fire.
  3. Boil for 25 minutes, removing foam.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars, place under a blanket to cool slowly, and store in a cool place.

It turns out very tasty when prepared for the winter. This preservation is used to fill desserts, because during storage the delicacy becomes very thick. Due to the addition of a large amount of sugar, the product is stored for a long time, but you should not keep it for more than one year.


  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • currants – 1 kg;


  1. Wash the currants, cut off the stems and branches.
  2. Twist through a meat grinder.
  3. Add sugar and leave for 4 hours.
  4. Boil the jam, skimming off the foam.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes.
  6. Pour into prepared jars, roll up the lids, and place under a warm blanket to cool slowly.

Currants with sugar in a blender

Whipped currants in a blender with sugar for the winter have a consistency similar to those put through a meat grinder. This delicacy can be boiled for 15-20 minutes and stored in the pantry, or you can leave the berries raw, but in this case the preparation is stored all winter exclusively in the refrigerator. In the off-season, such preservation will help fight colds.


  • currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg.


  1. Sort the currants, wash them, cut off the branches and tails.
  2. Add sugar and leave for 5 hours.
  3. The currants are crushed together with sugar in a blender.
  4. Place on the stove and cook, skimming off the foam.
  5. Boil for 10 minutes, immediately pour into a sterilized container, seal, and place in a warm place for slow cooling.
  6. This preparation can be stored well for a year in a cool and dark place.

Tasty and pureed with sugar, you can cook it according to the recipe for the famous “Five Minutes”. The berries can be rolled through a meat grinder and punched with a blender, then rubbed through a large sieve; a small presence of seeds and pulp is allowed. 1 kg of berries will yield one half-liter jar of delicacy.


  • black currant – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


  1. Beat the currants with a blender and rub through a large sieve.
  2. Add sugar and leave for 3-5 hours.
  3. Let it cook and skim off the foam.
  4. Boil currants and sugar for exactly 5 minutes, set aside and cool.
  5. Repeat the boiling and cooling process 2 more times.
  6. Pour the hot jam into a sterile container, place it under a blanket, and after 2 days move it to the basement.

White currants with orange, pureed with sugar

A deliciously tasty preserve - fresh currants with sugar prepared for the winter with the addition of orange zest and pulp. Thanks to the colossal content of pectin in the zest and white berries, the delicacy will turn out very thick and jelly-like. The amount of sugar can be reduced; citrus will guarantee the safety of the delicacy throughout the winter.


  • currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • orange – 1 pc.


  1. Remove the currants from the branches, wash, place in a blender bowl, punch, and transfer to a saucepan.
  2. Peel the orange zest from the orange, remove the white peel and seeds, and puree the pulp with a blender.
  3. Currants with orange and sugar are mixed and put on the stove.
  4. Boil the jam, removing the foam.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes, pour into a sterile container, and send to a warm place for slow cooling.
  6. Store all winter in a cool place.

Black with sugar is prepared by sterilizing the workpiece. The berries remain whole and are boiled directly in the jar. To implement the recipe, prepare in advance a container that will fit 3 half-liter jars. The whole process of preparing the delicacy is not quick, but it allows you to get a very healthy preserve.


  • currants – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, remove the stems, sprinkle with layers of sugar. Leave for 5 hours.
  2. Place cardboard at the bottom of a large saucepan and place half-liter jars filled with currant mixture.
  3. Pour water up to the shoulders of the jars.
  4. Place over medium heat; when the jam begins to boil, the currants will settle to the bottom. You need to add a spoonful of berries, maintaining the amount of jam at the water level in the pan.
  5. When the jars are completely filled, cover them with lids and leave to simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Roll up the lids, turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave for 2 days.
  7. The product can be stored in a cool room for no more than 6 months.

Concentrated red currant juice for the winter with sugar is thick and very sweet. When served, the drink is often diluted with water to balance out the sweetness. It is better to seal the drink in small cans or bottles; if opened, it will not be stored for very long, no more than two days in the refrigerator. To prevent the jars from exploding, add a pinch of citric acid to each liter container.


  • red currants – 5 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 2 kg.


  1. Remove the currants from the branches and wash them.
  2. Squeeze out the juice, add water, cook, skimming off the foam.
  3. Add sugar and boil for 25 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterile bottles and place in a warm place for self-sterilization.
  5. Store in a cool place.

Currants with sugar without cooking

An amazingly tasty vitamin preparation - currants with sugar for the winter, which is not subject to heat treatment. The preparation is used for making compotes, eaten simply, or complements baked goods or pancakes. The delicacy goes perfectly with ice cream as a bright and rich topping. To get rid of hard skin and seeds, rub the berries through a sieve.


  • currants (any) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, dry them, puree them in a blender and rub them through a sieve.
  2. Mix with 1 kg of sugar, immediately pour into sterilized jars until the sweetener melts.
  3. Distribute into jars, leaving 2 cm to the edge.
  4. Fill the remaining space with sugar and close with a lid.
  5. Such currants with sugar are stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Fried will be a delicious filling for homemade baked goods or an unusual topping for a light dessert or ice cream. Caramel berries are incredibly tasty and you can taste this delicacy as soon as it has cooled down. Jam prepared in a frying pan can be prepared for future use, but stored only in the refrigerator.


  • currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • vanillin;
  • cloves – 3 buds.


  1. Melt sugar in a frying pan, add cloves, followed by currants.
  2. Simmer, stirring, for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the cloves, sprinkle with vanilla, and stir.
  4. Cool and use to decorate desserts.

Freezing currants with sugar for the winter is carried out in two ways: whole berries, barely frozen, are sprinkled with sweetener and in this form are completely cooled. The second method is to grind the berries and freeze them in small forms. In any case, a way to preserve the valuable properties of currants in the freezer is an ideal option.

How can you cook blackcurrants with sugar? Of course, making jam is tasty and fragrant. Currant jam is good for everyone, except for one nuance. It is no secret that during cooking, many vitamins (C, A, E) are almost completely destroyed.

There are also delicious ways to candy berries without cooking - such currant preparations for the winter are not only tasty, but also healthy. Blackcurrant, grated with sugar, completely retains all vitamins. And also a wonderful aroma, thanks to which even on a winter evening you can remember the hot, green summer.

Proportions for 1 liter jar:

  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg of berries.


Step 1. Wash the berries and remove leaves, twigs and debris.

Step 2. Weigh, measure out 1 kg.

Step 3. Then we transfer the berries into a ceramic bowl and begin to crush them - with a wooden spoon or a potato masher, adding sugar in small portions (gradually).

It is advisable not to use metal containers and devices when grinding currants, since upon contact with air and metal, the beneficial substances of the berries begin to actively oxidize - i.e. collapse. This means that to obtain maximum benefits, it is necessary to use ceramic, wooden, enameled or plastic utensils.

Step 4. After this, put it into jars.

The jars must first be sterilized. This can be done in traditional ways (10-15 minutes over steam, i.e. over boiling water, or in the oven at a temperature of 180 o C). Another option is to sterilize in the microwave (hold in the oven for 3-4 minutes, turned on at full power).

You can use different lids, including screw-on metal ones. They are also sterilized.

And one more important point - do not fill the berry mixture to the top. A small space must be left. The fact is that sugar will increase in volume as it dissolves, so the mass level will rise slightly.

Grated currants with sugar are ready in just a few days.

Black currants with sugar (prepared for the winter)

You can store pureed currants in the refrigerator, in the cellar or even on the loggia. That is, it does not require cold as such, but slight coolness and shading are required. Such berries are stored without cooking for one season, and after opening the jars are stored only in the refrigerator for a week.


There is no need to fanatically chop every currant. Firstly, it is very long and tedious. And secondly, it’s always nice to bite into a sour berry to feel the fresh taste against the background of overall sweetness. And of course, whole berries can be used to decorate cakes and pastries.

Currants pureed with sugar for the winter: five-minute recipe

Of course, the described process can be accelerated by using labor mechanization tools - a meat grinder, a juicer or a regular blender. In addition, currants twisted into a meat grinder or blender are prepared very quickly.

So, a blender literally turns berries into a homogeneous mixture in 20 seconds. In addition, it contains practically no metal parts with the exception of the knife (the blender bowl is usually made of plastic).

In the five-minute recipe, the ratio of currants and sugar is exactly the same: for 1 kg of berries we take 2 kg of sugar.

Recipe instructions:

Step 1. As always, wash and sort the berries, removing all excess.

Step 2. Grind them in a blender or turn them in a meat grinder.

Step 3. Add part of the sugar (half) and mix. Then you can go about your business for an hour, after which you add the remaining sugar and put it in again - then it will dissolve much better in the mixture.

Then pour the mixture into pre-sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator or on the loggia.

Of course, sometimes it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Therefore, in addition to the description, you can see the process in the video - how to prepare currants, pureed with sugar, for the winter.

Black currants for the winter with sugar: recipe with lemon

Some gourmets may find such a treat tasty, fragrant, although somewhat sweet. To interrupt the obvious dominance of sugar tones, you can add lemon or orange juice to the finished product.


For 1 kg of berries you can take 1 small lemon or 2 small oranges.


Step 1. First, sterilize the jars and prepare the berries as usual.

Step 2. Then crush it with a wooden spoon or potato masher. Again, a meat grinder or blender comes to the rescue: pour the berries, half the sugar into the bowl, and grind.

Step 3. After an hour, add the remaining half of the sugar to the twisted currants and mix again. And as soon as the sugar crystals completely disintegrate, add freshly squeezed juice of a couple of oranges or 1 lemon. It wouldn’t be a mistake to mix these ingredients - take 1 lemon and 1 orange.

The result is not just currants twisted with sugar, but a very aromatic dessert that will smell not only of currant aromas, but also of citrus fruits. Tasty and healthy.


Of course, everyone will be happy to just taste a spoonful of this preparation for the winter and just like that, but black currants, pureed with sugar, can also be used in tea. But you shouldn’t put this delicacy in boiling water (again, to preserve vitamins) - it’s better to fill it with warm water.

Another option is to use the mixture to make a flavorful currant pie. True, heat treatment will reduce the benefits of the product, but the pleasant taste of the fragrant berry will definitely remain.

Finally, the berry mass can also be used to decorate the cake. By the way, for these purposes it is better to leave several berries whole and freeze until better times.

Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant is so healthy that preparing several jars of berries for the winter without cooking is the task of every housewife who cares about the health of her family members. You can make a preparation by simply grinding currants with sugar. Cold, fresh jam will provide a good dose of vitamin C, for which the berry is famous, which is very important in the cold. They make live jelly and jam. Many people prefer to freeze or dry the berries, thereby ensuring maximum benefits.

An important preparation condition is the selection of berries. For any type of preparation, select not too overripe, whole berries, without signs of spoilage. If you break this rule, you risk soon losing your preservation, since currants are not heat-treated.

How much sugar will you need

When preparing currants, it is important to maintain the correct ratio of sugar and berries. As a rule, unless specifically stated in the recipe, the proportion is 1:1, that is, exactly a kilogram of berries is taken per kilogram of granulated sugar.

Black currants, pureed with sugar without cooking

The sugar mixture can be distributed into jars and placed on a shelf in the refrigerator. A good way is to put it in trays or bags. Then freeze in the freezer and pack compactly, taking up very little space.


  • Currants – 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram.

How to make cold jam:

  1. Remove the berries from the branches, free them from other debris, and select specimens suitable for harvesting for the winter.
  2. Wash and dry on a napkin. Many people try to remove the outer tails from the berries. I think this is extra and unnecessary work - leave it.
  3. Next, you have several options. Pound the currants with a masher, use a blender or pass through a meat grinder. There is one nuance here: the mass will turn out completely homogeneous. Many people like to find whole berries in the ground mass (I am one of them).
  4. Therefore, I put a third of the currants in a bowl. I chop the main amount, then return the whole berries to the total mass.
  5. The next step is to sprinkle the berries with sugar and stir. Leave it for a while. The sweetness should completely dissolve. How long will it take? In different ways, the process depends on the juiciness of the berries. If you want to speed up the process, stir more often.
  6. When the sugar dissolves, fill the jars with the ground berries and send them to a permanent storage location.

Preparing blackcurrants without sugar

There are three ways to make a healthy preparation for the winter without using granulated sugar.

Grated currants without sugar

In the previous recipe, I told you how to prepare pureed currants with sugar. To preserve fresh berries, adding sweetness is not at all necessary. Grind, transfer to trays or plastic bags. Place in the freezer.

How to dry berries

Nowadays, few people are engaged in drying berries, and in vain. This makes it possible not to lose vitamins, and will save space on the shelves of the refrigerator.

Pick currants in sunny weather. It is not necessary to pick the berries from the tassels. Place loosely on a baking sheet and place in the oven. The temperature should not exceed 60 o C. I advise you to open the oven door slightly to evaporate moisture. Place the dry berries in a jar and screw the lid on tightly.

How to freeze currants

As with drying, currants do not need to be washed, since the berries may become deformed when frozen.

Place the berries in a layer on a tray and place in the freezer. Set it to fast freeze mode. After a day, take it out, package it in bags and place it tightly in a freezer container.

Blackcurrant jam with orange without cooking

  • Berries – 2 kg.
  • Oranges - a couple of pieces.
  • Sugar – 3 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the currants for harvesting, rinse and dry.
  2. Place in a saucepan and chop using any method you choose.
  3. Wash the orange without removing the skin and divide into 4 parts. Then also turn into puree (use a blender or meat grinder).
  4. Combine the orange mixture with the berry mixture, add sugar and mix well.
  5. Forget for a few hours, waiting for the sweetness to completely dissolve. Don't forget to stir to help the sugar dissolve.
  6. Place the cold jam in jars, tighten and transfer to a cool place. Store for no longer than a year.

No-cooking blackcurrant jelly

I advise you to make powder from sugar, then the texture of the jelly will be soft. Since currants contain natural pectin, no thickeners are required.

  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Black berries – 1 kg.

How to prepare jelly for the winter:

  1. Grind clean berries in any acceptable way. then rub it through a sieve, removing the seeds and skin. Don’t throw away the cake - freeze it, and in winter you can use it when cooking compote.
  2. Add powdered sugar (sugar) and stir. Place the powder in small portions; it will be more convenient to distribute it over the currant mass.
  3. Distribute into sterile containers, roll up, and refrigerate.

Video recipe for black currant jam for the winter without cooking. Good luck with your preparations, and pleasant winter tea parties!

Over the weekend, my husband’s parents gave us “vitamins” from the village - a whole bag of blackcurrants. We ate a little of it whole, of course there was still a lot left. It’s a pity that so many vitamins will be lost; food tends to spoil. My mother-in-law freezes whole vegetables and fruits, they even bought a special freezer, but we don’t have one yet, and there’s almost nothing to freeze, we live in the city, but we make do with canning. The jam can be cooked, but during heat treatment the vitamins are lost, so in order to preserve the vitamins for the winter, I decided to seal the black currants, ground with sugar, in jars. This way the vitamins will be preserved, and in winter there will be a finished product.

I won’t talk about all the beneficial properties of black currant, it’s almost impossible to list them all, but in winter it perfectly complements the diet. Where do I use it? Yes, anywhere - I add it to cottage cheese desserts, grease biscuit rolls, pies, add it to jelly, to tea for colds.

How to grind blackcurrants with sugar?

Grinding currants is as easy as shelling pears. You only need two main products:

  • blackcurrant itself – 1kg
  • sugar – 1.5 – 2 kg

First, you need to sort out the blackcurrants, select the berries from the branches and tails. I don’t know what type of currant this is, so I’ll sort through it quickly. With the help of my daughter (her hands in the shot), we completed it in 20 minutes.

I took an ice cream bucket, weighed it, it turned out to be about 900g. My Kanter is old, but the weight is accurate. Sugar turned out to be 1.5 buckets of the same size.

I washed the blackcurrants under cold running water and left them in a colander to drain all the water.

Then I grinded the dry blackcurrants through a meat grinder. Some housewives pour sugar along with berries into a meat grinder and grind them there. It's just as convenient for you.

The resulting mass was sprinkled with sugar and mixed well. After 1 hour, stirred again. This must be done so that the sugar dissolves better.

During this time, I washed half-liter jars and sterilized them over steam for 10 minutes. It is imperative to sterilize the jars so that the currants last longer and do not become moldy. Harmful bacteria can remain in dirty jars and the currants will quickly spoil.

I also doused the nylon lids with boiling water.

I placed the grated blackcurrants into prepared jars, closed the lids and put them in the refrigerator. That's where they will be stored.

It turned out from 1 kg of berries 3 half-liter jars of ready-made blackcurrants grated with sugar and a small vase to eat. This is not the first time I have ground berries with sugar like this: raspberries and red currants. The jars stay in the refrigerator until spring, and the jam does not mold, does not sour, and is perfectly preserved. So I recommend that you save the vitamins of currants grated with sugar for the winter.