Cheese pate with garlic. Treatment of cancer with garlic

Treatment with garlic takes pride of place among traditional medicine recipes. The magical properties of garlic have been known for a long time, separately and in combination with other plants, it is used to normalize processes in the body.

What is garlic rich in?

The benefits of garlic are due to the substances included in the cells:

  • Essential oils, thanks to which garlic has a specific smell and burning taste;
  • Sulfurous substances;
  • Nitrogenous substances;
  • Phytosterols are plant steroid alcohols;
  • Allicin is a sulfoxide with bactericidal and fungicidal effects;
  • Metal salts;
  • Vitamins of group B, PP, C, A, E;
  • Zinc;
  • Germanium

The healing qualities of garlic

The components contained in garlic make its use for medicinal purposes quite wide:

  1. As a disinfectant for the treatment and prevention of colds and viral diseases;
  2. To normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  3. Improved blood supply;
  4. Losing weight;
  5. Increasing vascular tone and preventing varicose veins;
  6. Reducing blood cholesterol levels;
  7. Strengthening the immune system;
  8. Cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  9. Fight against dysbiosis, improve digestion;
  10. Improving metabolism, maintaining vitality, increasing performance

For viral diseases

The bactericidal components of garlic make it an indispensable remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds.

  • Chop 4-5 medium cloves of garlic and pour in 0.2 liters of milk. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. The cooled medicine is taken 1 tsp. three times a day after meals;
  • For severe sore throat, chew 1-2 cloves of garlic. It is better to treat before bed, since the strong smell of garlic is difficult to neutralize even with such remedies as parsley or celery leaves;
  • Crushed garlic cloves are mixed with butter or animal fat and rubbed on the chest and back for bronchitis;
  • The medicinal properties of garlic will increase if you add honey and lemon to it. To prepare the medicine, take the juice of 10 medium lemons, the pulp of 5 heads of garlic (peeled and minced) and 1 liter of honey. The mixture is infused in the refrigerator for a week, after which 1 tbsp is taken. l. once a day to prevent colds

Treating a runny nose

  • To combat severe nasal congestion, dried garlic arrows are used. They set them on fire so that the arrow smokes, and they breathe in the smoke;
  • Chopped garlic is mixed with vegetable oil and instilled into each nostril. The antibacterial properties of garlic help not only cope with symptoms, but also defeat the virus.

We fight atherosclerosis

Infusions and ointments using garlic help cure atherosclerosis without expensive pills.

  1. Grind 0.1 kg of garlic, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse in a glass container placed in a cool, dark place for 3 days. The dishes must be shaken 1-2 times a day. 10 drops of the finished tincture are dissolved in 1 tsp. water and take 30 minutes before meals.
  2. To prepare garlic oil, the pulp of one head of garlic is mixed with 0.2 liters of unrefined vegetable oil. After 24 hours, add juice squeezed from 1 lemon to the mixture, mix and leave for a week in the refrigerator, shaking occasionally. Take 1 tsp of oil. three times a day before meals. After a course lasting 3 months, you need to take a break for a month and then return to treatment.
  3. Pour the crushed pulp (head) into a bottle of dessert wine, leave for 6-7 days in a dark, cool place, shaking the container occasionally. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  4. Mix chopped garlic, walnuts and sunflower oil in equal parts. Use as a salad dressing, an additive for main courses.
  5. Fill a 0.5 liter jar halfway with pre-chopped garlic and top up with vodka to the neck. Leave for 10-14 days in a dark place. Take 5 drops, stirring in 1 tsp. water before meals.
  6. Mix equal parts (0.1 kg) garlic pulp and honey. Use 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 1-1.5 months.
  7. Peel and chop 5 heads of garlic. Mix with table salt and 0.5 liters of vegetable oil. Add to salads, main courses, eat with bread.

For hypertensive patients

  • 20 cloves of garlic, 5 large onions and 1 lemon without peel and seeds are passed through a meat grinder, add 1 kg of sugar and pour in 2 liters of chilled boiled water. Infuse and store in the refrigerator. After 10 days the medicine is ready for use. Take 1 tbsp before meals... Onions and lemon enhance the effect of garlic.
  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat 1 clove of garlic, washing it down with a third glass of chilled boiled water with apple cider vinegar dissolved in it (1 tsp)
  • Grind 0.2 liters of peeled cloves, pour a bottle of vodka, leave for 10 days in a dark place. Take before meals, 1 tbsp.

Treatment of skin diseases with garlic

Garlic will help cure prostatitis:

  • Grind 5 cloves, add 0.7 liters of water, let it brew overnight. Drink 0.1 l before meals
  • Grind 0.4 kg of garlic and pour in 0.5 liters of alcohol. Leave for 21 days in a cool, dark place. Take 1 dess. l. morning and evening on an empty stomach.
  • Peeled garlic cloves are covered with sugar at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 slice. Add 0.1 liters of water and cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. The strained broth is taken 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day
  • For men suffering from prostate diseases, consuming garlic oil is beneficial. To prepare it, the cloves of one head are crushed and mixed with 0.2 liters of vegetable oil. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. You can add lemon juice.

Recipes for women

Thrush, which is caused by candida fungus, is also treated with garlic infusions. Pour 2 cloves into 1 liter of water, leave overnight and douche the vagina 2 times a day.

To treat polyps, gauze swabs are soaked in garlic juice and inserted into the vagina at night.

Getting rid of extra pounds

Tea with garlic and ginger will help your body lose extra pounds faster. It is recommended to drink no more than one serving per day. If desired, you can add honey and lemon.

To improve vitality

To increase your performance and recharge your vital energy, you should prepare a drink that contains apple cider vinegar, garlic and honey.

Ingredient ratio:

  • 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. linden honey
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic

The components are mixed, pour in 0.2 liters of chilled boiled water and beat with a blender. After 5 days the medicine is ready. Stir 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of water and drink before meals.

Benefits of garlic peel

Decoctions and infusions based on garlic peels serve as a prophylactic against cancer and atherosclerosis.

Young garlic contains the most beneficial substances. It is he who should be given preference when preparing decoctions and tinctures.


The beneficial properties of garlic can turn out to be harmful if you treat with it without taking into account the existing contraindications:

  • Stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Chronic liver diseases;
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Individual intolerance to components

Garlic, without exaggeration, is a cure for all diseases. It has long been attributed magical properties - the ability to drive out evil spirits and defeat vampires. One can argue about vampires, but there is no doubt that it effectively defeats viruses and bacteria.


Health 05/11/2017

Dear readers, we recently talked about how extensive its influence is on our body and how many diseases can be treated with this simple, everyday product for us.

Today we will continue this topic and find out what diseases garlic will be useful for and in what form this remedy is taken for medicinal purposes.

How to take garlic

Without a doubt, the best and most effective way to treat garlic is to consume it fresh. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible, because the plant has a number of serious contraindications, and besides, there is an individual intolerance to garlic. What to do then? Avoid garlic treatment? Not at all, in this case you can use it in various other ways.

The methods of using garlic are very wide - decoction, infusion, cold infusion, tincture, garlic oil, juice, syrup, extracts, garlic wine and garlic liqueur, vinegar, pills, garlic powder, essence, ointment, candles, balls, etc. The resulting preparations used for washing, rinsing, inhalation, douching, enemas, baths, compresses, poultices, dressings, etc.

One of the most effective ways to treat garlic is to use it with honey, milk, or in the form of a tincture. At the same time, the beneficial properties of other products and plants are added to the medicinal properties of garlic.

Pickled, salted or fried garlic can also serve as a substitute for fresh garlic. Of course, when pickled or salted, it has much greater beneficial and medicinal properties than when fried, but even in this case, garlic is not without them. In addition, there is black garlic, which has virtually no contraindications.

As we said above, the best, most effective and universal methods of treatment are those in which garlic is used in its natural form, without being subjected to heat treatment. In this case, the preparations fully retain the beneficial and medicinal properties of garlic.

When heated, the antibiotic and antiviral properties of the plant, as well as some useful substances, are lost first of all, so cold infusion and vodka (alcohol) tincture are used both externally and internally for various inflammatory and viral diseases and bacterial infections. In all other cases, decoctions and infusions are used.

How long and where to store decoctions and infusions of garlic?

Ready-made decoctions, infusions and other dosage forms in water should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two days, and it is best to prepare fresh each time.

In what dosage and for how long should I take it?

Take half a glass of garlic infusion and decoction no more than once every 5-6 hours. If any discomfort occurs after taking it, the drug should be taken less frequently.

The course of treatment with garlic is 3 weeks to a month, then you need to take a break (two weeks), and the course can be repeated.

Methods of using garlic in folk medicine

Now let's look at the most common ways to use garlic.

Cold infusion of garlic

Cold infusion of garlic is prepared in cold water and is not exposed to high temperatures, so the vitamin and mineral composition of garlic, as well as its many beneficial and medicinal properties, is completely preserved.

To prepare the infusion, you will need 3-5 cloves of garlic and 250 ml of cold purified water (you can use still mineral water).
Peel the garlic, chop using a press, add a small amount of water and grind well, then add the rest of the water and mix. Cover the container with a lid and leave in a dark place for at least 16 hours. Strain.

Garlic decoction

Place 250 ml of water on the fire and, as soon as the water starts to boil, add 0.5 tsp. finely chopped garlic. Reduce heat to low and boil for 5 minutes. Remove the container from the heat, cover with a lid, insulate and leave to steep for 30-45 minutes. Strain.

Garlic infusion

Finely chop half a medium head of garlic. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the resulting slurry, cover with a lid, insulate and let sit for 30-45 minutes. Strain.

Since the infusion is not boiled, it retains more of the beneficial and medicinal properties of fresh garlic compared to a decoction.

Garlic tincture

To prepare the tincture, you should use only fresh garlic.

Peel 1 medium head of garlic, chop using a press and pour in 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka or alcohol diluted to 40-50 degrees - first pour in a small amount of liquid, mix the mixture well, and then add to the required volume. Close the container tightly with a lid or stopper and place in a warm, dark place for 3 weeks. The mixture must be shaken well twice a day.

After the infusion period has expired, strain the liquid and store in a cool, dark place. To improve the taste, add a bottle of pharmaceutical mint tincture to the finished garlic tincture. Take 10-15 drops of the tincture, dissolved in water, two to three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Garlic tincture is a universal remedy, widely used in practice by traditional healers. Unlike fresh garlic, which loses its medicinal properties during storage, enzymes that thin the blood and have an antitumor effect are formed in it over time. Therefore, two or three year old tinctures are the most healing.

Garlic tincture has proven itself well for the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, intestinal atony, it is used to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder, and helps with general weakness and dizziness. Since ancient times, in Tibet it was believed that using garlic tincture to cleanse blood vessels promotes active longevity and maintaining vigor.

The best garlic for treatment is garlic collected before the end of September, then it begins to lose its beneficial and medicinal properties.

Treatment of various diseases with garlic

Now let's look at specific recipes for treating various diseases with garlic. In this case, garlic can be used both on its own and in combination with other products. In the latter case, the components complement and enhance each other's action.

For colds and flu

Perhaps we can say that colds are the most common, because each of us at least once, and some two or three times a season, suffers from flu, sore throat or other similar diseases.

Butter with garlic

One of my friends told me how she fights a cold that is just beginning with the help of garlic. If she feels that her throat is starting to feel sore or sore, she takes 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise (you can also use butter for these purposes - depending on your preference) and adds a few cloves of garlic crushed into a paste. The amount of garlic depends on desire and tolerance, but it is best for the mixture to be noticeably spicy. Add salt and mix well. That's it, the medicine is ready. The mixture can be eaten as a snack with bread or made into a sandwich. The main thing is that after eating you should not eat or drink anything for at least half an hour.

After half an hour or an hour, she gargles with a solution, about 2 tsp. per glass of warm water.

Usually this helps her, and the cold goes away. Try it too, maybe this simple method will help you.

Treatment with garlic and honey

To treat various manifestations of colds, a mixture of garlic and honey is used. Mix garlic pulp with natural honey in a 1:1 ratio. Before going to bed, take 1 tsp. mixtures with water or warm milk.

Treatment with garlic and milk

A combination of garlic and milk also gives a good effect. Bring 250 ml of milk to a boil, add the pulp of 5 cloves of garlic and boil over low heat for 1 minute. Remove the dishes from the heat, wrap them up and wait until the liquid cools a little. Then strain and add honey to taste. Take warm several times a day.

Inhalation treatment with garlic

Garlic is also used for inhalation. Finely chop 5 cloves of garlic, place in a teapot and cover with a lid. The treatment consists of inhaling garlic vapors: inhale through the mouth through the spout of the teapot, and exhale through the nose. A total of 15 breaths should be taken. The procedure is carried out twice a day. Such inhalations also have an effect on asthma and whooping cough.

Garlic for cleansing blood vessels

Rinse 4 medium lemons well under running water and rinse with boiling water. 2 kg of celery roots and leaves, 200 g of horseradish root, 200 g of garlic, peeled and washed. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, put in a jar, tie the neck with a cloth and place in a dark, warm place for 12 hours. Then close the jar with a plastic lid and keep it in the refrigerator for another three days.

The released juice is squeezed out and taken 15 ml three times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.

I suggest watching a video about cleaning blood vessels with garlic. It is very good to use this recipe for high blood pressure. Garlic and lemon - simple and affordable.

Treatment with garlic for hypertension and atherosclerosis

Modern herbalists advise for high blood pressure and atherosclerosis to eat 2-3 cloves of garlic per day. This remedy also eliminates dizziness and promotes sleep.

Treatment with garlic and apple cider vinegar

Garlic for bronchial asthma

Peel the garlic and horseradish root and grind it in a meat grinder; we will need 100 g of chopped root vegetables each. Add 150 g of natural butter and 600 g of honey to the resulting mixture. Place the mixture on low heat, heat slightly (!) and mix well. Place the resulting composition in a glass jar, close with a plastic lid and store in the refrigerator.

Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months, a month break and the course can be repeated.

Treatment with garlic for dysbiosis

Peel a medium head of garlic, chop using a press, place in a glass jar and pour in 250 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. Cover the container with a plastic lid and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day. Shake before use.

Before taking 15 ml of garlic oil, mix well with 15 ml of lemon juice. Take three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1-3 months, then a break for a month and the course can be repeated.

This composition is also used to treat atherosclerosis, helps with spasms of the brain and heart, and relieves shortness of breath.

Garlic for joints

Peel 3 medium heads of garlic. Rinse 4 medium lemons well under running water, rinse with boiling water, and remove the peel. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, pour in a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid, insulate and leave until cool. Then place in the refrigerator for a day. Strain.

Pickled garlic is very tasty, aromatic and healthy!

This preparation is perfect for dinner, and also protects against viruses and protects the immune system.

It requires a minimum amount of ingredients and is simple and easy to make.

So how to pickle garlic at home?

Pickled garlic - general cooking principles

Whatever recipe is chosen, the preparation is made only from juicy and intact garlic. It is better not to use spoiled but cut cloves, since the rotting process has already begun anyway. And even if the product is well stored, it may turn out tasteless.

What can be marinated:


Peeled slices;

Unpeeled slices;

Arrows with and without seed capsule.

The marinade is prepared as standard; salt and vinegar are added to it. Basically, products are poured with a boiling solution. Jars for preparation need to be processed. Most often, containers are sterilized, less often they are simply washed with soda or laundry soap. It is also advisable to process the lids so that the snack is certainly preserved.

Recipe 1: Pickled garlic heads: an easy way

For pickling, it is better to use dense and juicy young heads. The top skin must be removed and left thin. Trim the tail, but you can leave a few centimeters for beauty.


0.5 kg garlic;

1 liter of water;

1 tsp. salt;

0.25 l vinegar 6%.


1. Place the garlic in sterile jars. Add salt and vinegar. If small containers are used, then distribute evenly between them.

2. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water.

3. Take sterile lids and roll up the jars. But you can simply close it with nylon lids, but in this case the workpiece should not be stored for more than 3-4 months.

4. Shake several times to dissolve the salt faster.

5. Once the jars have cooled completely, they can be taken to the basement.

Recipe 2: How to pickle garlic at home using cloves

Pickling garlic cloves takes longer because they need to be peeled first. The process is lengthy and not everyone likes to engage in such a procedure. The number of cloves is arbitrary, as many will fit into the jars. But the proportions for filling must be strictly observed.


Liter of water;

100 ml 9% vinegar;

60 grams of sugar;

50 grams of salt;

5-10 peppercorns;

0.5 tsp. dill seeds


1. Prepare the main product. We clean the teeth, rinse and dry them. Place into prepared jars.

2. Sprinkle dill seeds and scatter allspice peas.

3. Add salt and sugar to the water, put it on the stove and boil for three minutes.

4. Then pour vinegar into the marinade, stir, let it boil and immediately remove from heat and pour into filled jars. The liquid should completely cover the food.

5. Close with lids, roll up and put away for storage. You will be able to try the preparation no earlier than in two weeks.

Recipe 3: Pickled garlic: wild garlic arrows

Green garlic arrows are another great product for aromatic preparations. When pickled, they turn out very tasty and resemble wild garlic. It is very important to have time to collect the arrows while they are tender and juicy.


60-70 arrows;

2.5 tablespoons of salt;

4 peppercorns;

2 carnation stars;

40 ml vinegar 9%.


1. Wash and dry the arrows. We take large scissors and cut off the seed pod.

2. The arrows can be pickled whole, but it will be difficult to put them in small jars. Can be cut into pieces of 5-8 centimeters.

3. Place the prepared arrows in sterile jars.

4. Spread the spices evenly and sprinkle with salt

5. Fill with boiling water, add vinegar and immediately roll up.

6. Turn the jar over to check for leaks. Then we cool it and forget about it for 2-3 months.

Recipe 4: How to pickle garlic at home with beets

Marinating with beets produces very beautiful, pink garlic. The root vegetable has practically no effect on the taste. But it can also be used as food or added to various dishes. Pickled beets have an unusual but pleasant taste.


0.6 kg garlic;

0.2 kg beets;

1 spoon of salt;

1 spoon of sugar;

50 ml vinegar 9%;

Spices, herbs.


1. Boil water. We lower the heads of garlic into it, from which the top skin has been removed. After 2 minutes we take it out.

2. Wash the beets, peel them and cut them into thin slices.

3. Place spices in sterile jars. It can be peppercorns, laurel, coriander and any others. You can put a sprig of parsley or dill, cherry or currant leaves. In general, complete freedom of action. But don't put too much spices.

4. Now we place the prepared heads of garlic, and insert beet slices into the voids. Since they are cut thinly, they bend easily and penetrate even small crevices. We pack all the products.

5. Boil salt in 800 ml of water, add sugar, and finally pour in vinegar.

6. Pour the marinade over the beets with the heads of garlic, roll them up with a key or simply close them with nylon lids. The workpiece will be ready in 3 weeks.

Recipe 5: Pickled garlic with honey and sour cream

This option for pickling cloves is not intended for storage. The appetizer takes only 2 days to prepare and goes great with dinner. And if you grind it in a blender, you get a wonderful sauce for dumplings, meat or fish. You can also always play with the types and amounts of spices.


120 ml sour cream;

4 heads of garlic;

50 ml lemon juice;

0.5 tsp. salt;

2 spoons of honey;

Black pepper.


1. Scald the garlic with boiling water, then cool in running water and peel the cloves.

2. Mix honey with lemon juice and sour cream. If the honey is candied, you need to melt it in advance.

3. Add salt and black pepper. Adjust the spiciness to your taste.

4. Pour the resulting sauce over the peeled slices and place on the stove. Boil for three minutes over very low heat. The mass should not flop and lose moisture.

5. Transfer to a jar, cool and put in the refrigerator for two days. And the fragrant preparation will be ready!

Recipe 6: How to pickle garlic at home with honey for the winter

A special feature of this pickled garlic preparation is its special filling. Honey and apple cider vinegar add rich taste and aroma to the brine. The amount of garlic is arbitrary, put as much as will fit in the jar.


1 spoon of honey;

Liter of water;

100 ml apple cider vinegar;

2 tablespoons sugar;

1.5 tablespoons of salt;

Coriander, allspice.


1. Peel the garlic cloves and scatter them into half-liter jars. A liter of marinade should be enough for five pieces. But the consumption largely depends on the size of the teeth and the packing density.

2. Arrange the peppercorns and coriander; you can add other spices.

3. Boil water. Add salt, honey and sugar, then vinegar after a minute.

4. Pour marinade over the prepared slices, roll them up and wait a month to try this unusual and very aromatic appetizer. You don’t have to put the jars in the basement; they keep well at room temperature.

Recipe 7: Quick Pickled Garlic

This snack can be consumed after 3 days. But you can leave it for a longer period. It is prepared from peeled slices, very simple and quick. The amount of all spices except sugar, salt and vinegar can be arbitrary.


Coarse salt;

Bay leaf;


Coriander seeds;


1. We brush our teeth, cut off the noses, rinse and dry.

2. We also wash the greens and dry them. You can use parsley, dill, basil and any other herb. Or make the preparation without it with the pure aroma of garlic.

3. Place all the spices and herbs in sterile 0.5 liter jars.

4. Fill the peeled slices to the top.

5. Add one tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt to each jar.

6. Pour boiling water and add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.

7. Close, let cool completely and put in a dark but warm place. If you put it in the cold, the marinating process will be delayed.

8. You can roll them up with sterile lids and put them in the basement for storage. But then you need to pay special attention to the purity of the ingredients and the sterility of the utensils so that the workpiece can stand without problems.

Recipe 8: How to pickle garlic at home with horseradish

Garlic and horseradish make a hearty appetizer that keeps well until spring, even under nylon lids. The preparation is made with wine vinegar, but it can also be replaced with apple or table vinegar. Whole young heads are marinated.


2 kg garlic;

200 grams of horseradish root;

2 chili pods;

2 carnation stars;

Liter of water;

50 grams of sugar;

40 grams of salt;

400 ml wine vinegar.


1. Place the heads of garlic in a large saucepan or basin and pour boiling water over them. Let sit for two minutes, then drain and add cold water.

2. Remove the top skin, cut off the tails and top.

3. Cut the hot pepper into thin rings, discard the tails, you can leave the seeds, they do not interfere.

4. Horseradish roots need to be peeled and thinly sliced. You can simply use a cabbage shredder and shred it.

5. Place garlic, horseradish and pepper in jars. Throw in a clove.

6. Boil water with the addition of sugar, salt and wine vinegar. There is no need to boil for a long time.

7. Pour hot marinade over the workpieces, close and leave to cool in a warm place.

8. Place in a cool room and leave for 50 days. But you can try the preparation earlier if you don’t have enough patience.

To easily peel the garlic cloves, soak them in cold water for 2 hours. The husk will become softer and will come off easily. The same technique will prevent the cloves from darkening.

For pickling, it is better to use small jars, the volume of which does not exceed 0.5 liters. The snack is quite spicy, is not consumed in large quantities, and large containers will be inconvenient.

Garlic pickled with cloves cooks faster and is more convenient to eat. But whole heads look beautiful and impressive on the table. It’s better to marinate both whole and in slices, and then see which option takes root better in your home.

Imported and store-bought garlic very often turns dark and blue when pickled. This is often due to the addition of fertilizers during cultivation. The best and most successful preparations are made from home-grown vegetables grown in your own garden.

To make pink garlic, you don't have to marinate it with beets. You can simply replace some of the water in the marinade with beet juice. Moreover, you can add a small part or even half. The more, the richer the workpiece will be.

Dried garlic: the healing properties of the beneficial components included in its composition, can excessive consumption of the product cause harm. Recipes for dishes that complement spices best.

The content of the article:

Dried garlic is the dried and crushed root of a perennial plant of the same name from the Allium family. The birthplace of culture is Central Asia. Since ancient times, it has been valued for its exceptional taste and healing effects on the body. There is handwritten evidence according to which the Egyptians made 22 medicines based on dried garlic to treat various ailments. Today it is used mainly as a spice. It is added to recipes for a variety of dishes all over the world. In our country, garlic is very popular, both fresh and dry, but we are far from the world leaders in eating the plant - in Italy, China and Korea, each resident eats about 8-12 cloves per day.

Composition and calorie content of dried garlic

Many people believe that dried garlic does not retain nutrients. However, if you perform the drying procedure correctly, observing the temperature regime, most of the elements useful and necessary for the human body will be preserved.

Calorie content of dried garlic is 331 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 16.55 g;
  • Fats - 0.73 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 72.73 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 9 g;
  • Water - 6.45 g;
  • Ash - 3.54 g.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium - 1193 mg;
  • Calcium - 79 mg;
  • Magnesium - 77 mg;
  • Sodium - 60 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 414 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron - 5.65 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.979 mg;
  • Copper - 533 mcg;
  • Selenium - 23.9 mcg;
  • Zinc - 2.99 mg.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.435 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.141 mg;
  • Vitamin B4 - 67.5 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.743 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 1.654 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 47 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 1.2 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.67 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 0.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 0.796 mg;
  • Betaine - 6.1 mg.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 3.365 g;
  • Valine - 0.667 g;
  • Histidine - 0.263 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.414 g;
  • Leucine - 0.728 g;
  • Lysine - 0.768 g;
  • Methionine - 0.111 g;
  • Threonine - 0.374 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.121 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.525 g.
Fatty acids per 100 g:
  • Omega 3 - 0.012 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0.165 g;
  • Saturated - 0.249 g;
  • Monounsaturated - 0.115 g;
  • Polyunsaturated - 0.178 g.
Among other things, dried garlic contains digestible carbohydrates, they are represented by sugars - 100 grams contain 2.43 g. In addition, the spice is rich in essential oils, phytoncides, glycosides, organic acids and enzymes.

Beneficial properties of dried garlic

Healers from many countries wrote about the healing abilities of the plant in ancient times. Its unique beneficial properties are still recognized today. Garlic, including dried garlic, is included in many medicines. It is valued primarily as a natural antibiotic, and the fact that the plant can effectively fight bacteria was scientifically proven by Louis Pasteur in the 19th century.

In addition, garlic is an excellent antiseptic due to the presence of phytoncides and a source of antioxidants due to the content of allicin in the essential oils of the plant.

Let's look at the beneficial effects of the plant in more detail. The benefits of dried garlic include the following positive effects:

  1. Preventing the development of inflammation. The above-mentioned phytoncides actively fight pathogenic flora, preventing inflammatory processes of one nature or another. They are capable of killing a wide range of viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.
  2. Strengthening the cardiovascular system. The positive effect of dried garlic on the heart is to increase the force of contractions, as a result of which it conserves resources, but at the same time functions more efficiently. The benefits for blood vessels are explained by preventing the formation of cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis. Consumption of spices protects blood vessels from damage, which in turn reduces the likelihood of developing thrombosis. Garlic also dilates blood vessels, thus preventing a hypertensive crisis.
  3. Prevention of respiratory diseases. The spice has a particularly beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, preventing the development of colds. The plant is used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, due to the effective relief of inflammation and due to its ability to dilute sputum and promote its separation.
  4. Prevention of cancer development. Garlic can fight the development and growth of tumors thanks to allicin - it is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the formation of free radicals.
  5. Increasing the body's immune forces. Of course, a spice so rich in beneficial components cannot but have an overall positive effect on the immune system. Regularly adding dried garlic to dishes will help you avoid getting sick during flu and ARVI epidemics.
  6. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The enzymes contained in the spice stimulate metabolic processes, help the digestive system digest food more efficiently, absorb beneficial substances and remove harmful ones. The product also has a positive effect on intestinal motility and helps fight intestinal disorders.
  7. Prevention of liver diseases. Garlic has choleretic properties, due to which bile is promptly removed from the body, facilitating the work of the liver. The choleretic effect also prevents the formation of bile clots and stones.
  8. Beneficial effect on the functioning of the gonads. The spice plays the role of an aphrodisiac, activating the work of both the female and male sex glands. In addition, some of the beneficial substances are excreted in the urine, which helps disinfect the genitals and prevents the development of specific infections.
  9. Brain stimulation. Garlic has a beneficial effect on brain activity, which is especially important for older people. Regular consumption of the spice prevents brain degradation and senile dementia.
  10. Preventing premature aging. The presence of antioxidants in garlic not only helps prevent the development of tumor processes, but also helps prevent early aging.
  11. Prevention of vitamin deficiency. The presence of vitamins in garlic protects the body from their deficiency.
Garlic is especially effective in the fight against “smoker’s cancer.” Some doctors even equate its effect to chemotherapy procedures. It actively kills cancer cells in the respiratory system. There is a study according to which regular consumption of garlic by smokers reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the respiratory system many times.

Harm and contraindications to dried garlic

Unfortunately, even such a healthy product as dried garlic can harm the body. Anyone should not abuse this spice. Garlic contains a lot of really powerful biologically active substances, most of them are beneficial, but there are also some that can lead to adverse effects if not observed in moderation. When overeating spices, a person may feel a headache, become absent-minded and inattentive.

In addition, there is a group of people who are not allowed to consume garlic in any quantity or who are advised to strictly dose its use. Among these people:

  • Suffering from severe diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. The spice irritates the mucous membranes and can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Epileptics. Garlic can trigger an attack.
  • Pregnant and lactating women. Some components included in the product may adversely affect the fetus. During lactation, the spice is prohibited, since the baby may be allergic to garlic, which in small quantities will certainly pass into breast milk.
  • Suffering from other serious illnesses. Among them are anemia, diseases of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems. Let us repeat, garlic is a strong product in all respects, and therefore, if you have a particular disease, consult your doctor before consuming it.
Garlic is also prohibited from being eaten if you have an individual intolerance - in other words, an allergy to the product. A person may not be sick with anything, but when consuming a spice, he may feel a deterioration in his health of one kind or another; in this case, we are most likely talking about an allergy.

There are studies according to which garlic is a poisonous plant due to the presence of so-called sulfanyl-hydroxyl ions in it. It is considered toxic to the entire body and has a particularly negative effect on the brain. The authors of the study assure that the product should not be consumed even in small doses. However, the official point of view so far is this: only the abuse of garlic can lead to negative consequences, but in moderate doses, the product, on the contrary, is extremely beneficial.

Recipes with dried garlic

Garlic has a special place in cooking. In any form, it is one of the main spices of Mediterranean cuisine. This spice is also loved in South and East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. However, using dried garlic in recipes is a common practice all over the world. There are many signature dishes with spice.

In dried form, garlic is especially good when added to soups, hot dishes of meat and vegetables, as well as sauces. Let's look at some great recipes:

  1. Homemade chicken sausages. Grind chicken fillet (250 grams) in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Mix spices: paprika (1 teaspoon), thyme (1 teaspoon), black pepper (0.5 teaspoon), dried garlic (0.5 teaspoon). Add all the spices to the minced meat and mix. Add grated cheese (150 grams) and mix again. Form small sausages from the minced meat, roll them first in cornstarch, then in beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. Place in the freezer for 2 hours. Fry in a frying pan until done.
  2. Festive potato side dish. Cut the potatoes into very thin slices (1 kg), place in a bowl. Add spices: dried garlic (1 teaspoon), thyme (1 pinch), pepper and salt to taste. Next, add melted butter (2 tablespoons) and vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), as well as grated cheese (50 grams). Mix everything well. Take a muffin tin and stack the herbed potato slices into the “well” for each muffin. Bake at 220 degrees for 40-50 minutes. You should get some kind of potato nests; you can serve them in portions.
  3. Zucchini chips. Cut zucchini (500 grams) into slices and add salt. Mix breadcrumbs (150 grams) and spices - dried garlic (0.5 teaspoon), suneli khmeli (1/3 teaspoon). Dredge the zucchini in flour, then in beaten egg and finally in spiced breadcrumbs. Place on a baking sheet and cook in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, then turn over and cook for another 15 minutes. It is best to eat zucchini chips with a sauce made from sour cream and chopped fresh garlic.
  4. Barbecue sauce. Pour your favorite ketchup (250 grams) into the pan; you can replace it with tomato paste, slightly diluted with water. Add sugar (2 tablespoons), vinegar (2 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon), mustard (1 teaspoon), a pinch of spices: dried garlic, onion, celery, paprika, black pepper and salt. It would be ideal to also add Worcestershire sauce (2 tablespoons), but finding it in our stores is not so easy. Place the future sauce on low heat and cook after boiling until thickened - 10-15 minutes. If the sauce does not thicken, add a little starch.
  5. Lentil soup. Pour lentils (100 grams) with water (2 liters), bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Cut the potatoes (3 pieces), onion (1 head) and celery stalk (1 piece) into cubes, grate the carrots (1 piece). Fry all prepared vegetables, except potatoes, in a frying pan. Add all ingredients to lentils, cook for 15 minutes. Add dried garlic (1 teaspoon), soy sauce (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (2 teaspoons), salt and pepper to taste. Cook for a couple more minutes.

Note! Dried garlic should be added to all dishes 2-3 minutes before cooking, so as not to lose all the beneficial components during heat treatment.

Indians began cultivating garlic in ancient times, but for a long time it was used purely as a component of medicines. The plant was not used in cooking because the smell was too pronounced.

The ancient Egyptians believed that people engaged in heavy physical labor must eat garlic regularly. The spice was present in the diet of the builders who were engaged in the construction of the pyramids.

There is reason to believe that ritual significance was also attributed to garlic in Egypt. During excavations in the tombs of the pharaohs, archaeologists repeatedly discovered cloves of garlic in front of noble people.

Garlic is even mentioned in the Bible. And, again, the mention is associated with Ancient Egypt, or rather with a description of the diet of its inhabitants, according to which they ate a lot of garlic and onions.

In Korea and Japan they prepare an unusual dish - “black garlic”, which is obtained by preserving the cloves using a certain technology. This garlic has a sickly sweet taste.

In Slavic mythology, spices were credited with magical properties. It was believed that it helps drive away evil spirits and witches, as well as diseases. In the south of Russia there was a belief that garlic must be tied into the bride’s braid to ward off damage.

There is an interesting legend about the plant in Ukraine. It is believed that it grew from the teeth of an evil witch, and therefore eating it is a sin. And, nevertheless, traditional Ukrainian borscht cannot do without this spice.

In 1998, a garlic festival was established in the United States, which is still held today. All funds are transferred to the children's fund to combat mental disorders.

In 2009, when the swine flu epidemic was raging in China, someone spread a rumor that garlic could help treat it successfully. Thanks to this gossip, prices for fragrant cloves increased almost 40 times.

Watch a video about dried garlic:

Garlic is a unique product both in the culinary world and in folk medicine. Its bright taste and aroma have given it a reputation in the kitchens of all countries of the world, and its many beneficial properties have made it a favorite of people who prefer to be treated with traditional methods. At the same time, there are studies according to which garlic is poisonous and should not be eaten even in small doses, but the studies have not yet been officially recognized.

Garlic is a vegetable plant of the onion family, native to South Asia. Written sources of Ancient Rus' mention ancient centers of garlic cultivation: Yaroslavl, Murom, Suzdal, Kyiv. During this time, many varieties of folk selection were created.

Garlic. Classification.

For your information: Based on morphological characteristics, varieties are divided into bolting and non-bolting, and according to requirements for environmental conditions - winter and spring.

Spring garlic does not bolt; it has narrow leaves. Winter crops can be bolting or non-bolting. The leaves are wide. Winter garlic is more productive than spring garlic, but does not store well. Spring garlic is stored until the next harvest. The bulb consists of 2-50 cloves, each of which is covered with hard, leathery scales. The leaves are flat, lanceolate, grooved, erect or drooping. The flowering stem (arrow) is smooth, from 60 to 150 cm high. Cultivated garlic does not produce seeds, but forms in the inflorescence from 60 to 450 aerial bulbs (bulbs) and 120-300 flowers. The bulbs range in size from oat grains to cherries.

The shape and size of the bulb depend on the variety and are determined by the size and shape of the cloves. Bulbs of bolting varieties are round and large (diameter 3-8 cm, weight 30-40, up to 130g). Dry bulbs of non-shooting varieties are small, can be compressed on both sides (diameter 3-4 cm, weight 20-30, up to 50 g). The color of the integumentary scales of the bulb (shirt) is silver-milky, violet with a pink or brown tint; The leathery coverts of the bulb and clove scales are light fawn with a violet tint, brownish-violet and violet-brown and pinkish in different shades.

The characteristic pungent taste and strong odor due to the essential oil determine the food use of garlic. In addition to the essential oil consisting of sulfur compounds, garlic contains nitrogenous substances, the glycoside alliin, phytosterols, metal salts, vitamins C (10 mg%) and group B. The bulbs are used as a seasoning and for the preparation of pickles, marinades, in canning and sausage industry, In cooking, finely crushed garlic is added to many meat and vegetable first and second courses, jelly, stuffed fish and some sauces. It gives food a pungent and spicy taste and a specific aroma. To preserve these qualities, crushed garlic is added to dishes towards the end of cooking.

Garlic. Use in medicine

For your information: In ancient medicine, many diseases were treated with garlic; it was given such importance that the Egyptians swore by garlic. In Ancient Rome and Egypt, garlic was used to treat heart disease, headaches, bites, worms and tumors. During the first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, athletes used garlic as a stimulant. Ancient Chinese medicine used garlic as an antitoxic, expectorant, diuretic and anthelmintic.

The first detailed description of garlic as a medicinal plant was given by Dioscorides. In ancient times, it was already prescribed for decreased appetite, dyspepsia, exhaustion, cough, abdominal pain, skin and other diseases. Subsequently, the indications for treatment with garlic expanded even more. For example, Ibn Sina (Avicenna) advised using garlic “for all sorts of diseases.” In modern folk medicine, garlic also has many uses. It is especially readily consumed to improve digestion. Garlic stimulates appetite, enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes and bile, and promotes better absorption of food. It also has an analgesic and calming effect on the intestines. In addition, garlic increases urination and stimulates the activity of the sex glands, dilates peripheral and coronary vessels, increases heart contractions and slows down the heart rate. Garlic tincture with vodka serves as a remedy for kidney and bladder stones, as well as for rheumatism and gout. Garlic is widely used for respiratory and skin diseases, intestinal and other infectious diseases. Garlic oil is used in Europe and Cuba against jaundice.

Garlic is often used for hypertension and atherosclerosis. In these diseases, it significantly helps eliminate concomitant phenomena - dizziness, headache, insomnia, and weakened mental abilities. The dose in such cases is 2-3 small cloves of garlic per day, the same number of cloves is consumed with food for infectious gastrointestinal diseases, colitis, bronchitis (as an expectorant). No less diverse are the external uses of garlic. For colds, bronchial asthma and whooping cough, rub the chest with garlic gruel mixed with butter or pork fat. A gruel of baked garlic with butter, boiled with milk, is considered a remedy that accelerates the maturation of abscesses and softens painful ones.

Calluses, warts, lichens, eczema and other skin diseases are treated with fresh garlic gruel or juice. To strengthen hair, the juice is rubbed into the skin.

The success of the folk use of garlic for treating and increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases, even such as typhoid fever, dysentery, and cholera, has now found a scientific explanation. Garlic contains very strong phytoncides, consisting of more or less volatile substances.

Chewing garlic cloves for a few minutes kills all bacteria in the mouth. Flu and sore throat are treated by repeated inhalation of the volatile phytoncides of the crushed onion. As a prophylactic against influenza, garlic pulp is administered into the nose with a cotton swab. Clinical observations have established an indisputable effect in the treatment of acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, inflammation and suppurative processes in the lungs, purulent inflammation of the ear and mucous membranes of the eyes, colitis and bacterial dysentery with garlic phytoncides. Fresh gruel applied to the skin through gauze is used to treat purulent wounds and poorly healing ulcers.

A method has been proposed for producing a low-toxic phytoncidin preparation by boiling, filtering and subsequent activation of the bactericidal properties of garlic juice. This drug has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action, a stimulating effect on tissue regeneration processes, anti-inflammatory activity and stimulates the mechanisms of nonspecific immunity.

Dentists have found that the use of garlic phytoncides reduces the number of complications after the removal of carious teeth by 10-15 times.

The use of garlic as an anthelmintic against pinworms in children is very common. In such cases, the pulp or a whole clove of garlic is injected into the rectum or an enema is made from a warm broth, for which 5-8 large cloves are taken.

For colds, it is recommended to take finely chopped garlic mixed with honey (1:1), one teaspoon every hour, and for flu with symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis - 1 tablespoon, washed down with warm water, before bed.

For your information: To prevent the flu, it is more convenient for adults to hang a gauze bag with finely chopped garlic around their neck, and for small children, tie this bag near the crib or place a saucer with garlic next to the child.

Important: Most traditional healers believe that garlic is the best remedy for treating sclerosis and anemia, but not everyone can eat it. Garlic tincture is recommended for such patients. Peel, wash and put 300 g of garlic in a bottle, pour in a liter of alcohol and leave. After three weeks, take 20 drops in half a glass of milk 3 times a day. The tincture is considered a weaker remedy than garlic itself. Anyone who tolerates it well can swallow two or three cloves on an empty stomach and before bed. At the same time, the smell is completely inaudible.

When treating anemia, it is better to swallow 4-5 cloves of garlic in the morning and evening; you can take fresh garlic juice daily.

When acne appears on the body due to thinness (severe general exhaustion of the body), the following remedy helps: finely chop 400 g of garlic, pour into a bottle and fill with alcohol or vodka. Leave in the sun until it turns yellow. Take with water, starting with five drops and adding a drop daily. So reach twenty, then reduce the amount of tincture one drop at a time. The condition of the body will change for the better in one to two weeks. The smell of garlic cannot be heard.

Chronic rheumatism, gout, bronchial asthma, anacid gastritis, low acidity are also well treated with garlic tincture. Peel 100 g of garlic, crush in a porcelain or enamel bowl. Place the resulting slurry in a milk bottle and add 150 ml of vodka. Close the stopper, shake, and wrap the bottle in black paper or cloth. Place in a cool place. After two weeks, filter. Wrap the bottle with tincture and store in a dark place. Take 25 drops with warm milk 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day, from October to April, for at least a month and a half.

Bronchial asthma is well treated with an infusion of garlic and lemons. Grind 3 heads of garlic and 5 lemons, pour in 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature, leave for 5 days, strain, squeeze. Drink a tablespoon 20 minutes before meals 5 times a day.

Using garlic you can get rid of shortness of breath (especially for obese people). Grind 400 g of garlic, squeeze the juice from 24 lemons. Pour crushed garlic and juice into a jar, leave for 24 days, tying a light, transparent cloth on top. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture per ‘/2 glasses of water once a day before bed. After 10-14 days, good sleep will appear.

A very valuable old folk recipe for shortness of breath. 1 liter of honey, squeeze 10 lemons, peel 10 heads of garlic, mince. Mix all this and leave it closed in a jar for 1 week. Drink 4 teaspoons once every day, but do not swallow immediately, and do not rush, slowly consuming one spoon after another. Don't miss days. This amount should be enough for 2 months.

Bulgarian folk medicine recommends fried garlic with onions for panaritium (nailworm). Garlic juice mixed with pork fat can be rubbed into the skin of the neck and chest for whooping cough. When treating whooping cough in children, finely chop or crush 5 cloves of garlic, boil in a glass of unpasteurized milk and give to drink several times a day. Crushed garlic has found application in the treatment of skin diseases - scaly lichen, warts, baldness.

Folk medicine in Persia (now Iran) has long used a smoky sitz bath of garlic to treat hemorrhoids. Place a brick heated over a fire at the bottom of a low iron can and sprinkle finely chopped garlic (or camel thorns) on this brick. When it starts to smoke and burn, sit on the can to get a smoky bath. Continue this as needed. The Persians successfully used this method of treating hemorrhoids for many centuries.

The pharmaceutical industry produces several medicinal preparations from garlic. Dry garlic extract is part of the drug allohol (it also includes dried animal bile, nettle extract and activated carbon). Allochol tablets are used mainly for acute and chronic inflammation of the liver and gallbladder, as well as habitual constipation. Garlic is used in veterinary medicine and horticulture. Infusions of dried leaves and bulb husks (100 g per 10 liters of water) are used to spray trees against and on apple trees, plums and roses. In recent years, Japanese scientists have isolated a non-toxic substance from garlic, which in very low concentrations stimulates plant budding.

For your information: The antitumor properties of garlic are also being studied. Back in 1936, it was found that feeding laboratory animals fresh garlic had an inhibitory effect on the development of cancer in them. In subsequent years, a group of Japanese scientists experimentally explored the possibility of using cancer cells treated with garlic extract to immunize the body against a malignant tumor. It turned out that animals that were injected with a suspension of cells treated with the extract did not get sick even after inoculating them with a large number of viable tumor cells.

In a Tibetan monastery, a UNESCO expedition in 1971 found and translated a recipe for youth from clay tablets into all languages. Its age is 4-5 thousand years BC. The product cleanses the body of fat and lime deposits, improves overall metabolism, vascular elasticity, prevents myocardial infarction, sclerosis, angina pectoris, paralysis, tumor formation, and improves vision.

Thoroughly wash and peel 350 g of garlic, finely chop and grind in a vessel with a wooden or porcelain spoon. Weigh 200 g of this mass, taking it from the bottom, where there is more juice, put it in a glass (clay) vessel, pour in 200 ml of 96% alcohol and close tightly. Store in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Then strain through a thick cloth and squeeze. After 2-3 days, start drinking the tincture drops with cold milk (‘/4 cups) strictly according to the scheme, 15-20 minutes before meals.

Scheme for taking drops

Days. Breakfast lunch dinner

1 2 2 3

2 4 5 6

3 7 8 9

4 10 11 12

5 13 14 15

6 15 14 13

7 12 11 10

8 9 8 7

9 6 5 4

10 3 – 2 1

11 25 25 25

From the 11th day, take 25 drops with milk 3 times a day before meals, until all the tincture has been drunk. Repeat no earlier than after 6 years.

You can relieve a toothache by crushing a clove of garlic, wrapping it in gauze and tying it to the pulse of your right wrist, rub garlic on your right hand if the tooth hurts on the left, and vice versa. Leave for no more than 20 minutes, otherwise the garlic will eat away at the skin.

The ability of garlic to stimulate appetite is widely used in cooking. Balkan and Mediterranean peoples use garlic in large quantities; in Central Europe, garlic is only lightly rubbed into a container for cooking. In some soups and pilafs, whole heads or cloves of garlic are added. Garlic is indispensable in the preparation of meat, fish and vegetable dishes and sausages, giving them a special taste and spiciness. Widely used for canning cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and eggplants. When fried in oil, garlic loses its aromatic properties.

The excellent gastronomic and medicinal properties of garlic are well known. The only problem is that not everyone decides to consume it fresh because of its characteristic smell. But garlic can be pickled and salted.

Important: It is not recommended to use it for people with a diseased liver, gall bladder, kidneys, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, or gastritis with high acidity. In these cases, garlic infusion of vegetable oil is used for flavor. Coarsely chopped garlic is placed in a dry, opaque bowl and poured with vegetable oil. The dishes are well sealed and placed in a cold place for 5-6 days.

For your information: The unpleasant smell of garlic from the mouth can be eliminated by chewing parsley leaves, from dishes - nettle, from hands - coffee.

Material prepared by: horticulture specialist Buinovsky O.I.