What does fireweed honey look like. What are the beneficial properties of fireweed honey and what are the contraindications

Honey is a product of beekeeping, the most delicious and favorite treat. At its core, honey is the nectar of flowers, partially digested by bees. There are dozens of types of honey in the world: lime, chestnut, buckwheat, acacia, sea buckthorn, honeydew, fireweed and many others. The latter will be discussed.

fireweed honey It is named after the fireweed plant, from whose flowers nectar is collected by bees. Fireweed or Ivan tea is a plant that traditionally grows on the territory of our country. This plant has received the widest distribution in the region of the southern Urals, Altai Territory, but it is also found in other regions. Even before the tea familiar to us was imported into the territory of our state, our ancestors prepared from Ivan-tea delicious drink. In addition, Ivan-chai is famous for its medicinal properties, and was indispensable in the ancient first-aid kit.

Let's take a closer look at what are the beneficial properties of fireweed honey, what are its features, how to determine the authenticity of a product from Ivan tea.

Characteristic signs of fireweed honey

  1. Color. We are all used to seeing honey as yellow, amber, golden or brownish in color. The color of fireweed honey is different in that after harvesting it has a light yellow color with a greenish tint. After a certain period of time, when the honey begins to be candied, the color changes to pale milky with a pinkish tinge. It is this unusual shade that scares off uninitiated buyers.
  2. Consistency. Liquid this amazing honey happens for a very short time. Soon after pumping, it crystallizes. First, lumps, roughness appear in its composition, then clearly tangible grains. After the crystallization process is completed, honey acquires the consistency of thick cream.
  3. Taste. Fireweed honey has a delicate sweet taste with a slight bitterness. This sweetness is associated with the special taste of fireweed nectar.
  4. Aroma. White honey has a pronounced floral scent. Feeling this unique aroma once, you will not confuse it with anything.

Useful properties of fireweed honey

Fireweed honey is very useful. It includes such elements useful for the human body as glucose, fructose, ascorbic acid, tannins, tannins, flavonoids, antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, PP, H , S, E.

White honey renders a range useful action on the body:

  1. Bactericidal. Is good medicine in the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis. Helps in the healing of boils, ulcers, wounds. This property is associated with the release of hydrogen peroxide in honey during fermentation.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Under the influence of biologically active substances, inflammation is removed, redness decreases.
  3. Painkiller. When taking honey, pain associated with male ailments is removed. For example, with a disease such as prostatitis.
  4. Wound healing. It helps both by eating and with the help of compresses. After a few sessions, the effect on the face.
  5. Soothing. Tea with honey before bed or a teaspoon of a sweet treat will relieve tension and help you fall asleep faster.
  6. Enveloping. Honey is useful for people with diseases of the stomach, duodenum and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Delicate treat envelops the mucous membrane and promotes the healing of ulcers, gastritis and other ailments. In addition to the above, honey enzymes will contribute to better digestion of food, relieve problems with stools.
  7. Antioxidant. Honey removes free radicals from the body, and when taken regularly, it significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
  8. Immuno-strengthening. Regular intake of honey helps to strengthen the immune system, increases the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  9. The minerals that make up honey strengthen the bone, muscle, cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  10. The high content of iron in the product contributes to hematopoiesis, raising hemoglobin, and fighting anemia.
  11. White honey replenishes the body with deficient trace elements, fights muscle cramps.
  12. Relieves headaches.
  13. Widely used in spa treatments and cosmetology.

Despite all its useful properties, white honey Not everyone is allowed to use.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to consume honey by children under 3 years old due to the high allergenicity of the product.
  2. All people suffering from allergic reactions, honey is also contraindicated.
  3. Hypertensive patients should use fireweed honey with caution. The combination of this type of honey with some medicines(for example, with eleutherococcus) can lead to a rapid increase in blood pressure.
  4. At diabetes the consumption of fireweed honey can result in an increase in blood sugar. Eat honey only after consulting your doctor.
  5. If you are obese, you should be very careful about the amount of honey consumed. High content Carbohydrates can have an extremely negative impact on your health and figure.
  6. Asthmatics should be especially careful when using fireweed honey. In some cases, it can cause asthma attacks in sick people.

How to choose natural fireweed honey

At the time of buying delicious honey, which will only benefit your body, you should take the choice very carefully and seriously, connect all your knowledge about fireweed honey so as not to be deceived by unscrupulous sellers.

Firstly, fireweed honey should not be bought in spring or early summer. Even if it appears before you natural product, and not a fake, this honey was stored for a whole year, and lost a number of its useful properties. Such honey is more suitable for cosmetic or wound healing procedures, but not for oral administration.

Secondly, unsweetened fireweed honey should flow from a spoon in an even stream.

Thirdly, you can easily distinguish natural honey from Ivan tea by its unique floral aroma and delicate taste.

You can check the purchased honey at home by remembering school chemistry lessons and conducting simple experiments. Mix honey and pure water in equal proportions. Add ammonia to a small amount of the solution. Natural honey will not react in any way to the manipulations. And honey, which is a fake, will change color or give a precipitate. By adding a drop of iodine to honey, you can determine whether it contains starch. Healing delicacy containing starch additive will change color to purple.

How can you use fireweed honey

With the intake of honey inside, everything is clear. It's absolutely finished product created for us by nature. And how to use fireweed honey, for example, in such an area as cosmetology? At the moment, there are many recipes that allow you to stay young and beautiful for a long time with the help of honey.
  1. For skin rashes, mix 1 tablespoon of white honey with 1 liter of water and 1 liter of chamomile decoction. After a day, you can start using your own hand-made lotion.
  2. For oily skin a mixture prepared from 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 cup of calendula decoction is suitable. The resulting substance is applied to the face as a mask and kept for 15-20 minutes.
  3. To cleanse the skin, a scrub made from fireweed honey and ground coffee mixed in equal proportions.
    You can also please your skin with a honey wrap. After such a procedure, the skin becomes velvety and tender.

Video: what will happen to your body if you eat honey every day

Honey, undoubtedly, is a favorite delicacy of many, especially if this honey is fireweed. What kind of honey is this and what useful properties he possesses, you will learn further.

Ivan tea, fireweed and honey

What do you know about "Ivan-tea"? Surely a lot. Given medicinal plant grows everywhere in almost the entire territory of Russia. However, what connection can there be between the well-known Ivan-tea and an article called "Cowberry honey"?

For uninformed people, such a question may seem quite relevant, but for the rest, everything is extremely clear and understandable. After all, in the language of not common people, but scientific, Ivan-tea is called fireweed.

Fireweed is a wonderful honey plant. That is why it is so loved by bees. In addition to excellent honey production, the fireweed plant attracts striped workers with its bright appearance. At times, whole thickets of purple-red flowers stretch across the fields of our country. Therefore, beekeepers do not have to purposefully plant plants in order to get a tasty and healthy treat.

The most common factor in the selection of fireweed flowers by bees is not only its colorful hue, but also its exceptionally bright and inviting smell. From the nectar extracted from the flowers of the plant, surprisingly fragrant fireweed honey is obtained. It is recognized not only among the people due to its excellent taste, but also in medicine and cosmetology.

A whole range of useful healing properties brought together this paradisaic delight". Moreover, Ivan-chai is a favorite of bees. Since from a kilogram of the initial "material" - pollen - bees are able to produce a little more than half a kilogram of the final product - finished honey, there is no need to question such bee preference.

How to recognize fireweed honey?

Fireweed honey is special honey! It will not be difficult for you to “calculate” it among a wide variety of other varieties. V fresh it differs from other varieties of honey in its special color: yellowish, sometimes even greenish. The mass of fireweed honey often reminds people of cream in its density. Here's what it looks like.

There is another form in which fireweed honey may appear before you. This is the same view when honey crystallizes. After a simple process, it becomes a little thicker, clots appear and the honey turns white.

Beneficial features

As noted earlier, due to the fact that the fireweed plant is medicinal, the honey obtained from it inherits all its useful and medicinal properties. Therefore, just like the plant itself, honey has the ability to strengthen immunity and satiety. human body vitamins.

People have a habit of exaggerating certain things and events. Perhaps that is why few people can do without exaggeration when it comes to the beneficial properties of honey from Ivan tea. However, he has them, and there are many of them.

In medicine

An additional remedy for the treatment of gastritis against the background of both increased and decreased acidity is Ivan-tea honey. A proven remedy can be considered the following solution, obtained from two ingredients: water and fireweed honey.

One glass of warm boiled water dissolve a teaspoon of honey and take on an empty stomach. This treatment helps with hyperacidity. For a different case of acidity, you must use a glass of cold water.

Another important beneficial property of fireweed honey is its ability to help a person adapt to new and varied foods. The body becomes more resistant to external factors after some prolonged use of honey in the daily diet.

Improve the work of the heart, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a positive effect on blood pressure - all these actions can be performed by honey from Ivan tea.

In addition, it is excellent for insomnia. Enough to take a small amount of honey right before bedtime, wash it down warm water, and he will begin to do his "work". It is important to make sure that you are using warm water and not boiled water. This follows from the fact that high temperatures affect the composition of honey, depriving it of useful substances.

In cosmetology

Earlier it was said about the use of fireweed honey in the field of cosmetology. This is true: it is often added to scrubs and creams. Similar products from this honey give the skin a natural softness and silkiness.

In fact, the properties of honey from Ivan Chai are still being studied. However, our ancestors have used the once unknown properties of this honey since ancient times.

For example, before the very process of washing in the bath, the body was smeared with honey, then the honey was cleaned off. Only after these actions began to wash the body. Such a weekly procedure helped girls and women look young and fresh.

Skin diseases such as boils, abscesses and some others can be treated with fireweed honey. It kills pathogenic microflora, thus cleansing the skin. In the end, the disease recedes.

In general, this honey should by no means be considered a panacea, since it cannot eliminate many of the internal causes of diseases. Remember that you should consult your doctor before starting to practice honey therapy.

Honey is a medicine, and in high doses it can be harmful to the body, even dangerous. Stick to the recommended norms, and your health will not suffer.


It is important to note that honey, like some other foods, is an allergen. Therefore, in case of intolerance bee products, fireweed honey is, unfortunately, undesirable for you.

However, for all those who are allergic to honey, in no case should you get carried away with excessive consumption of honey. Be sure: eating honey in jars, you will not be able to cure yourself of diseases.

V best case, honey in such doses will not bring absolutely any benefit, and at worst, your body will “rebel”.

Like any other honey, fireweed should be taken with caution by all diabetics and insulin-dependent, since its main part is made up of various monosaccharides.

White fireweed honey

You can be considered lucky if you managed to purchase fireweed honey in a liquid state, when it has a greenish-yellow hue. In general, honey in such an extremely unique state can only be purchased in the first couple of months after it has been harvested.

One way or another, if you are not a "honey badger", then soon your acquisition will be completely transformed. From a viscous liquid of a greenish hue, a dense mass of white color will be obtained - the result of the crystallization process.

In the "transformed" form, honey is very similar to lard in its consistency. After heating, crystallized honey turns yellow. Learn more about white honey.

Where and how to buy fireweed honey?

Is it possible to resist the urge to buy this tender and delicate honey? Not only useful properties, but also unique taste qualities, which are extremely difficult to confuse with other varieties of honey, encourage many buyers to purchase fireweed honey. Its delicate texture is to the taste of a large number of buyers.

A feature of fireweed honey is its ability to never get bored. This happens for the most part due to the lack of a rich taste and a pronounced honey smell. Therefore, fireweed honey is so loved by the masses!

You can buy fireweed honey in liquid form in early autumn from beekeepers. When choosing honey, you should pay attention to its color. During this period, honey is liquid and transparent with a light golden hue.

  • 1. Composition
  • 2. Useful properties
  • 3. Contraindications
  • 4. Choice of this variety
  • 5. Recipes with this variety for health

Honey card

ColorYellowish-greenish, after crystallization becomes light.
TasteUnusually delicate soft caramel taste.
AromaAroma of fireweed flowers.
Crystallization timeOne and a half to two months.
ViscosityThe thickness is very similar to milk cream.
calories316 kcal per 100 g.
Collection geographyRussia, Siberia, Caucasus, Far East, Mongolia.
Collection periodJuly August.

Many people who are interested in beekeeping products are probably aware of such a variety as fireweed honey. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows its healing characteristics. The product has truly unique medicinal properties. They consist in improving the general condition of the body, strengthening the defenses.

Fireweed honey is extracted by bees from a medicinal plant, which is scientifically called fireweed, and popularly called Ivan-tea. The plant is quite common. It somehow attracts the bees with its scent. Therefore, about 500-600 kg of honey is collected from one hectare.

Fireweed has long been used in traditional medicine in the treatment of many diseases. It helps you deal with problems. respiratory tract, has antibacterial and antiviral qualities.


Fireweed honey includes sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), tannins, microelements, macroelements, antioxidants. Ascorbic acid is also present in the composition, the amount of which is even greater than in citrus fruits.

vitaminsmg/100 g product
IN 10,4-0,5
IN 20,2-0,4
AT 90,06
AT 60,03

The optimal composition and its healing qualities contribute to the widespread use of the product in alternative medicine.

Beneficial features

Fireweed honey is very beneficial for human health. Often used to treat arthralgia, otitis, laryngitis. Helps stop bleeding. It is used for ARVI or flu, relieves symptoms of a sore throat.

Consider more useful properties of the product. Among other things, the following qualities stand out:

  • Strengthening the heart and vascular walls
  • Taken for prostatitis
  • Improving digestion
  • Get rid of nerve problems
  • Useful during lactation
  • Treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcers
  • Anti-inflammatory property.

Also, experts recommend using fireweed honey for diseases of the duodenum and colon, pathologies of internal organs.
There is an effective effect on stress, headaches, insomnia, nervous system disorders, etc.

Fireweed honey is considered a natural hematopoietic stimulant. It is used for chronic convulsions, allowing for prolonged use to significantly reduce their number. Doctors advise in diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension to normalize pressure.

A light crystallized variety is often included in creams, scrubs, masks. Helps keep skin silky and soft. Gets rid of stretch marks and cellulite.


Fireweed honey is contraindicated only in case of allergic reactions to beekeeping products. Experts advise using it in the recommended doses (adults - about 100 grams, children - 30-40 grams per day). During the treatment of diseases with honey, it is advisable to adhere to the proportions indicated in proven recipes.

The choice of this variety

In order to easily distinguish a real quality product from a fake, you need to study the features of this variety:

  • White color because it is sold candied
  • Having a slight crunch
  • Astringent taste and floral aroma.

You can distinguish natural fireweed honey from fakes by checking for the content of artificial dyes. To do this, you need to mix 200 grams of the product with 300 grams of water. Then add a little ammonia. In case of precipitation, the product is considered to be of poor quality.

Recipes with this variety for health

  • pour a cup warm water fireweed honey (about three four tablespoons), insist 20 minutes. Take before meals. - Treats pancreatitis.
  • For the treatment of ulcers, 2 tablespoons of honey are diluted in three liters of water. Infuse for about an hour and drink a glass three times a day.
  • Psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Mix in equal proportions (about 300 ml each) fireweed honey and warm water. Drink throughout the day.
  • BPH. Three tablespoons of fireweed grass, 50 grams of honey and half a liter of boiling water. Insist and take on an empty stomach.
  • Brew chamomile and add 30 g of honey. - We treat prostatitis.

About value and useful properties natural honey well known. His regular use It helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the protective ability of the body, and overall improve well-being. Taking into account a large number of varieties of honey, it can be noted that each of them has its own characteristics and properties, as well as taste. Accordingly, we give preference to one or another variety, choosing it individually for ourselves.

Fireweed honey also deserves attention and is very popular. Amazing properties of this product are due to its composition. This honey is obtained from the Ivan-chai plant, or fireweed, which is an excellent honey plant. It is distinguished by a very delicate, subtle aroma and amazing taste. For those who still do not know anything about what fireweed honey is, we will consider its useful properties and contraindications in this article.

Vitamin composition and value

A large number of microelements and minerals important for life are found in honey from willow-tea. It is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, as well as P and E. Few people know that this product surpasses even citrus fruits and black currants in terms of the amount of ascorbic acid. This explains its ability to quickly fight viruses.

In that natural product contains tannins and a large amount of antioxidants that help cleanse the body. For example, a substance such as tannin gives honey an astringent, enveloping effect. And flavonoids have a beneficial effect on all organ systems, improving their functioning and activating the production of beneficial enzymes.

Unique composition honey obtained from fireweed distinguishes it from other varieties: this product does not cause allergic reactions, which means it is indispensable for those who are prone to allergies.

Fireweed honey - benefits for the human body

Fireweed honey is certainly incredibly healthy. But this is not a panacea or a medicine, but just a product that nature has given to promote health and prevent various diseases. It is recommended to include it in your diet and use it regularly to forget about many ailments. Decoctions, infusions, creams and ointments are prepared from this product.

This tool is useful for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it has a strengthening and cleansing effect. Surprisingly, depending on what time of day it is consumed, you can get different effects on nervous system. For example, in the morning with a couple of spoons of honey, you can cheer up well and prepare the body for an active working day. Before going to bed, the use of fireweed honey will help relieve fatigue, and vice versa, it will relax and prepare the body for a restful sleep. In the evening, you should eat a smaller portion to achieve the desired effect.

Since it has an enveloping and astringent effect, it is useful to have it on hand in case of gastritis attacks, as well as for those who suffer from low stomach acid. In such cases, it is recommended to start the day not with a cup of coffee, but with a glass of warm water with the addition of a spoonful of bee products. This normalizes digestion and prepares the stomach for various foods throughout the day.

Fireweed honey is famous for its antiviral, antibacterial properties, so it is indispensable for colds and during seasonal exacerbations of SARS. Enveloping the throat, honey renders therapeutic effect with angina and colds.

Effective remedy against cramps, spasms and headaches, this natural product can be considered a universal remedy in the fight against poor health. Its regular use will make you feel much better, improve your health. internal organs and rejuvenate the body, and thanks to its beneficial properties, it has also established itself as an effective cosmetic product. Honey has a narrowing effect on the pores, rejuvenates the skin, relieves inflammation in acne and improves fat metabolism. Masks from such a gift of nature give the face a healthy look and a natural glow. Honey is also useful for the skin of the hands and nails, improving their structure and making them strong and strong. In addition, its external use has a healing and disinfecting effect on wounds, scratches, bruises.

About who is dangerous fireweed honey (contraindications for use)

If honey is used with caution, it will have a healing effect, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. So, hypertensive patients taking other drugs to lower pressure and medicinal herbs should be treated with caution. In combination with them, honey can greatly increase arterial pressure.

Despite the hypoallergenicity of this type of beekeeping product, you should still consult an allergist before feeding it to a child. This also applies to its external use. Some people have too sensitive skin to experiment with this natural cosmetics.

Contraindications should be taken into account for people who are prone to fullness. This product does not contain fat, but contains a lot of sugar and carbohydrates. If eaten in in large numbers can lead to obesity. For the same reason, diabetics should avoid it.

Also, those who eat fireweed honey can expect harm even where no one is waiting for it. It can easily turn into poison if the heating technology is violated. So, at 40 degrees Celsius, it produces carcinogenic substances and products that cause the development of cancer cells. So those who like to make last year's honey thin by heating should do it only in a water bath without contact with hot water by controlling the temperature of the product.

If you carefully and attentively treat the products that the environment offers us, then you can give yourself excellent health and enviable well-being. Be healthy and enjoy the gifts of nature.

Who can be more caring than mother nature, who gave a person such unique product how is honey? After all, honey is not just a favorite sweet since childhood, but in many cases an effective and very effective medicine. Honey collected from fireweed flowers is especially useful and tasty.

Fireweed, or in other words Ivan tea, is distributed almost throughout Russia. Many have seen reddish-purple flowers growing along roads, in wastelands, clearings, but not many people know that this is a medicinal plant, and even an excellent honey plant. Fireweed, even in the wild, forms continuous thickets, which is very convenient for beekeepers, since there is no need to specially sow the fields with this crop. Bees are very fond of flying over Ivan-tea. This plant blooms mainly from June to August. In good summer weather (warm and humid) for the season, beekeepers collect up to six hundred kilograms of fireweed honey from one hectare. The beneficial properties of fireweed honey were noticed in ancient times by many healers and healers. In many recipes of traditional medicine in the treatment of colds, neurological, cardiovascular diseases, this particular honey is present. It has an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect on the human body. It is especially useful to use fireweed honey during illness, because it does not just saturate the patient required calories and energy, but also helps to fight the disease and strengthen the immune system.

Previously, honey was taken for many diseases of the stomach: gastritis, ulcers, since honey is also an enveloping agent. With intestinal infections, diseases of the duodenum, this honey will also be very useful. Especially honey from fireweed flowers is indispensable for colds and flu, tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis. In the practice of Tibetan medicine, honey is recommended for inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin diseases. Moreover, honey can also be used to treat difficult-to-heal stab and cut wounds, burns. The fact is that fireweed honey not only increases immunity and body resistance to diseases, but also stimulates blood circulation. By itself, Ivan-tea was often used in the treatment of insomnia and postpartum depression in women, since the infusion of this herb produced sedative effect. Honey absorbs all the beneficial properties of the plant from which it is collected. Therefore, it is not superfluous for severe headaches, nervous overstrain, insomnia to use a glass of warm water with a spoonful of fireweed honey diluted in it at night.

Sometimes fireweed honey is called "man's honey". It received this name due to its healing properties which are very effective in diseases genitourinary system, namely inflammation of the prostate gland.

You can buy fireweed honey not only because of its beneficial properties, but also for its unique taste that cannot be confused with other varieties of honey. The physical properties of fireweed honey are to the taste of many buyers. And this is not surprising! This variety of honey has a very delicate delicate aroma of Ivan-tea flowers. In the old days, by the way, even tea was brewed from it. The taste of honey is also loved by many. Fireweed honey has a very mild taste.

Many believe that the absence of a strongly pronounced honey smell and rich taste is a sign of unnatural honey, but this is far from the case. Fireweed honey can be used without fear in all kinds of baking, put in tea and other dishes - it will not interrupt the taste of food, but only delicately complement it. This honey is never boring.

You can buy fireweed honey in early autumn from many beekeepers, ours is also at your service. During this period, honey has liquid consistency and transparent (light golden) shade. At long-term storage honey begins to crystallize and thicken. It also changes its color: from transparent watery it becomes light white or sometimes beige. The consistency of this honey resembles a creamy soft mass, sometimes with the presence of small grains-crystals.